What’s New in Bagisto V1.3.2 Release? – Here are the Wonderful Features and Enhancements!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Bagisto v1.3.2 Release

Building and running an ecommerce store isn’t easy; but fortunately, 现在有很多电子商务平台可以为你开辟一条道路. Bagisto is one of them. Bagisto具有许多开箱即用的功能,例如多货币, localization, multi-vendor, multi-channel, multiple payment method integration, multi-tenant SaaS (Software as a Service), AI (Artificial Intelligence) based product search option, access control level and much more.

The previous version of Bagisto v1.3.0 was released in the March, 2021. However, there are always a space for the improvements; Bagisto has rolled out the new features and fascinating enhancements in the fresh and latest version of Bagisto v1.3.2.

Do you know the most important update for the Bagisto v1.3.2? Bagisto Open Source 1.3.2 introduces the support for PHP 8 and Laravel 8.

Regardless of whether you are a Bagisto developer or a merchant of Bagisto store; diving into what’s new in Bagisto v1.3.2 is necessary to stay up to date.

Google reCAPTCHA Integration

谷歌reCAPTCHA使用先进的风险分析引擎和自适应captcha,以防止自动化软件在您的网站或在线商店从事滥用活动. 通过要求您的客户完成一个简单的测试,保护您的Bagisto存储免受垃圾邮件和密码解密.

Whether it is customer login page, Customer sign up page, forgot password page or an order completion page of your Bagisto ecommerce store; You can integrate the Google reCAPTCHA.

Customer Login Page:


User Registration Page:


Forget Password Page:



  • Register your website with Google reCAPTCHA.
  • Go to the v3 Admin Console to move further.
  • 输入站点标签并选择reCAPTCHA类型,如下图所示.


  • Then Accept the reCAPTCHA terms of service & select the send alerts to owner.
  • 最后,你得到了你注册网站的网站密钥和秘密密钥.


  • Then, from the Merchant Login, Go to the Configure >> Customer >> Captcha.


  • 输入“站点密钥”和“秘密密钥”以成功集成Google reCAPTCHA.

Laravel 8 Support

The latest version of Bagisto 1.3.2 supports Laravel 8. Laravel version 8 requires PHP version 7.3+ or above.

PHP 8 Support

Bagisto v1.3.2 supports PHP 7.3 to PHP 8 version.

Admin Multi-locale Panel

在Bagisto v1中添加了新的管理多语言环境特性.3.2. 根据您的偏好为专用管理面板添加多个区域设置.

Steps to Set Multi-locale in Bagisto:

  • Go to Settings >> Locales >> Add Locale


  • Enter the details of Locale Code, Name, Direction and Locale; then click on “Save Locale”.
  • Now, set your locales in particular channel. Click on Setting >> Channels >> Locales (Select the multi-select option) >> Save Channel

    Laravel Bagisto Development

Added Configurable Product Default Variant Option


Yes, you have heard it right; Now; You can configure and set the default product variant as a merchant. 之后,客户可以直接将默认产品或变体添加到购物车中.


Configurable Multi-Image Option Added in Parent Product

Now, 作为商家,您现在可以在可配置的父产品中添加多个图像,以便为您的客户提供有关产品的增强概念.

Bagisto Development

在生成订单时自动创建发票(用于货到付款) & Money Transfer)


In the latest release of Bagisto v1.3.2; As a merchant; now you can easily manage the invoice and generate it automatically for both COD and Money Transfer Payment Methods based on your business requirements. All you need to do is; Just to enable the toggle button to automatically generate an invoice after place the order. 商家还可以设置发票状态,如果它已支付或待处理. Similarly, 还可以在创建发票后设置订单状态是否待定, processing or completed.

Bagisto New Version



Most Importantly, 好消息是现在商家可以在管理面板中分别看到发票和订单.


Google Core Web Vital

根据最新的排名因素,谷歌正在优先考虑通过页面体验 Google Core Web Vitals. In the Bagisto v1.3.2; Bagisto has added the Text Compressions, 缓存策略和从SCSS中删除重复的变量,并按适当的顺序排列它们.


Changes from the web vital

For the velocity theme, the velocity.js file is divided into two files i.e. velocity-core.js and the velocity.js file. In velocity-core.js,所有的核心依赖,如jQuery, bootstrap js, Vue js被添加并在速度.所有的组件都是由速度核心引导的.js.

Added Tax-inclusive/exclusive feature

Bagisto在其最新版本中推出了最受期待的功能,包括税收. 现在,作为一个商人,你可以向你的客户展示价格,包括所有的税,如果它是. 当你的客户来购买你的产品时,它可以帮助你创造和建立他们的信任.


To Enable this feature;

Settings >> Taxes >> Catalog >> Enable Pricing


Added Custom invoice prefix/suffix generator/settings


作为商家,现在您可以在发票中添加前缀/后缀. To set it up;

Sales >> Configuration >> Invoice Setting >> Add the Required details under “Invoice Number Prefix” and “Invoice Number Suffix.”


After that, it will be look like below:

Product Review Images


此功能将允许您的客户添加带有产品评论的新图像,以显示他们在现实生活中如何使用它. 它可以标志着新客户的关注,帮助你增加销售额. 你的顾客可以很容易地在店面的“写评论”下做到这一点.


Multiple DataGrid on a Single Page

Last but not the least; Multiple DataGrid can now be implemented on a single page; with removing duplicated codes, removing the .Gitkeep文件作为文件夹不是空的,并删除一些注释代码. Also, Bagisto has updated the .gitignore file.

Bagisto v1.3.2是一种清新的升级,可以让你跟上最新的潮流, competition, and customer’s expectations. Bagisto是一个完整的电子商务解决方案,为商家和公司谁正在寻求扩大他们的业务.

We are proud to be a solution partner of Bagisto. We provide Bagisto shopping cart design, development, content management, multi-channel multi-vendor marketplace, multi-tenant SaaS solution, migration, regular upgrades, customization, and more to any size of business. Build and scale your ecommerce business with Bagisto development which gives you the complete flexibility and scalability!

Source: Bagisto v1.3.2 Official Release