西班牙UNE 139803:2012数字无障碍要求-所有你需要知道的!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Spain Digital Accessibility Requirements

确保残疾人无障碍上网,对建设包容性社会至关重要. The Internet plays a pivotal role in various spheres of life, including education, healthcare, employment, public administration, and more. Hence, websites should be designed and developed to be universally accessible, 适应不同的用户,无论他们的身体或精神能力和他们使用的设备. 这种对无障碍的承诺与公平和平等的原则是一致的, ensuring that every individual, irrespective of their circumstances, can access information and available resources on equal terms. UNE 139803:2012 accomplishes this in Spain. This article will delve into various aspects of UNE 139803:2012, its guidelines, and its requirements. Continue reading to know more about it.

What are Digital Accessibility Requirements in Spain?

UNE 139803:2012是由西班牙标准化和认证协会(AENOR)开发的西班牙标准,用于解决web可访问性要求. 自2004年推出“残疾人士电脑应用程式”标准后,逐步发展, this regulation replaced the earlier UNE standard 139803:2004. 它成立于2012年,旨在确保各种残疾人士都能访问网络内容, including auditory, speech, visual, physical, cognitive, language, learning, and neurological impairments. 该标准旨在促进所有用户的易于导航和理解, irrespective of their technical expertise or disabilities. 它符合Web内容可访问性指南2的AA合规级别.0 (WCAG 2.0) and covers information available across the internet, intranets, and computer networks, 强调对残疾人和老年人的包容,以确保自主导航或使用辅助技术. UNE 139803:2012 is part of a set of standards, 包括用于硬件可访问性的UNE 139801和用于软件可访问性的UNE 139802, cited in Royal Decree 1494/2007, 概述残障人士使用资讯社会技术的条件.

Applicable to government and government-funded entities, companies with over 100 employees, those with a substantial trading volume exceeding 6 million Euros, and organizations providing financial, utility, travel, passenger, or retail services online, the standard sets forth accessibility criteria for web content. 不遵守这些可访问性准则可能导致法律后果, 提示遵守标准中概述的指定可访问性级别. 利益攸关方对无障碍的认识和理解有所提高, 西班牙残疾人代表委员会注意到, 标志着在西班牙强大的残疾人社区的支持下,一场朝着更全面的无障碍立法的进步运动.

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What are website content accessibility guidelines (WCAG) 2.1?

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1代表万维网联盟(W3C)关于Web可访问性标准的建议的迭代. Aligned with WCAG 2.1, the standard EN 301-549 v2.1.2 (2018-08) incorporates changes introduced in the latest version, encompassing new conformity criteria and the addition of guidelines like "2.5 Entry Modalities," among others. Note that the pre-existing conformity criteria within WCAG 2.0在更新版本中保持不变,保持其原有的编号和结构.

WCAG 2.1 builds upon previous standards like WCAG 2.0, integrating enhancements and addressing newer technological factors, catering to the evolving digital landscape. 它强调让残疾人和老年人更容易访问网络内容和应用程序, 在相关技术辅助设备的帮助下,使其能够独立使用或导航. 该标准的实施是对WAI-ARIA (Web Accessibility Initiative - Accessible Rich Internet Applications)和ISO/IEC 40500:2012等国际倡议的补充, 促进不同国家立法之间的国际协调,促进更广泛的网络内容可访问性指导方针.

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What are the various digital accessibility requirements?

The accessibility requirements laid out in standards like UNE-EN 301 549, 及其版本描述了确保信息和通信技术(ICT)产品和服务在各种平台(如移动电话)上的可及性所必需的功能标准, computers, web pages, software, native apps, documents, and hardware. These requirements guarantee accessibility to all individuals, including those with disabilities, and are built upon the WCAG 2.1 web content accessibility guidelines, 强调遵守W3C制定的网页可访问性国际标准.

这些标准概述了可访问功能的细节,并描述了测试和评估遵守这些标准的过程. They address a wide spectrum of ICT products and services, 确保无论个人的身体或精神能力如何,都能使用和航行. Furthermore, these standards integrate detailed evaluation methodologies, 详细说明如何评估和确保遵守每个可访问性要求.

欧盟委员会已经认可了这些标准,特别是UNE-EN 301 549 v3.2.1 (2021-03) and others, 作为协调标准,与关于网页可访问性的指令(EU) 2016/2102保持一致, thereby endorsing their application in Spanish Public Administrations. The UNE-EN 301 549:2019 standard, as well as its previous versions, have been adopted into Spanish catalogs, ensuring their dissemination through official channels, and prohibiting unauthorized distribution.

“W3C has released the set of WCAG 2.2 web content accessibility guidelines in October 2023.”


In summary, web accessibility standards like UNE 139803:2012 and WCAG 2.1 underscore the importance of inclusivity. They establish vital criteria for digital content, ensuring equitable access for all individuals, including those with disabilities. These standards pave the way for an inclusive digital environment, 为西班牙ICT领域的不同用户提供平等的机会.

Skynet Technologies is proud W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and IAAP (International Association of Accessibility Professionals) member 并成为全球无障碍社区的一部分,以跟上合规指导方针的步伐.

We are proving website ADA WCAG 2.1 and 2.2 Level A, AA, AAA remediation services, website ADA compliant audit, 自愿性产品易访问性模板(VPAT)易访问性一致性报告, accessibility document remediation, ongoing website accessibility monitoring, accessibility training, consulting, 并支持加强对国际标准的可访问性合规,包括西班牙UNE 139803:2012. Reach out [email protected] to know more.

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