
By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins
SEO Trends 2024

在不断变化的数字世界中, businesses face the challenge of staying visible and relevant to their target audience. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has proven to be a game-changer in the quest for online success. 通过跟上当前的SEO趋势, businesses can not only maintain their competitive edge but also outgrow their competitors.

SEO is all about optimizing and improving online business presence and gaining positive outcomes. 但问题是,如何决定企业的SEO策略?


With time, SEO trends keep changing and evolving based on market and audience requirements. In 2023, 我们都看到了人工智能的激增, 预计今年也将延续类似的趋势. 现在,我们的任务是在SEO中有效地利用人工智能来获得好处.

Let’s see how.


First things first, let’s check out whether other strategies need attention or focusing on AI will work.

So, AI has certainly overtaken some of the verticals of digital operations. However, SEO is a complicated facet; it cannot be conquered only by AI. There are several algorithms to assess website performance that need to be checked manually. Google itself releasing frequent updates on website content and quality to provide correct ranking to deserving websites.


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Some renowned SEO experts and marketers have made predictions on rapidly changing SEO trends. Thus, one can plan their SEO strategies based on those predictions, such as:

  • 新的谷歌更新将奖励专家内容

    Most likely, Google will roll out many key features and updates in 2024. One of the most prominent updates will be algorithms to boost human-generated content and that might include new tools to promote social interactions and user-generated content (UGC).

    There can be chances that Schema markup will be used for local businesses only or maybe less emphasized. Besides, Google Analytics 4 是否会进一步发展,从而让内容营销人员保持警惕. 所以,总的来说,今年将是新的改编年.

  • Google SGE (search generative experience) along with AI innovation will give a new landscape to SEO

    Google’s SGE is another profound shift in the search algorithms which will be an assistance for users in whatever they desire from search engines. This change might lead to decreased traffic for traditional informational websites. Besides, Google is renovating its ecommerce experience by streamlining the process between online and in-store shopping facets.

    Moreover, AI will provide more opportunities to innovate new tactics to generate meaningful and engaging content.

  • SERP might see a shift from Google-dominated search to other alternatives

    在当前搜索场景中, organizations cannot only focus on Google search algorithms because over time, 用户正在转向Pinterest等其他搜索平台, YouTube, etc. 搜索他们想要的内容.

    So, 如果你在制定策略时考虑到不同的搜索引擎, 保持相关的搜索引擎优化将是可能的.

    Brainstorm on right KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and set them accurately for successful outcomes.

    The more niche and engaging content, the better chances to stand out in 2024.


  • E-E-A-T (Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthy) thought process will be crucial

    Most often, AI生成样板内容, 导致网站质量低下, 是什么导致了用户之间的不信任. And that will be a profound reason behind decreased traffic because users get inclined more toward reliable and updated information. Original insights with precise thoughts will be a key to maintain the brand’s reputation and credibility and it is also a factor in Google’s content quality assessment.

    To include E-E-A-T, brands need to collaborate with industry experts to add value to their content. 在每一个内容中注入价值是必须的. In simple words, 除非你有正确的深入研究SEO策略, crisp content, 你不可能在SEO游戏中获胜.

    So, in a nutshell, first-hand experience will be pivotal for SEO success.

  • AI, EI, and ML in SEO

    AI advancements will assist organizations to understand user intent more clearly, 组织内容创作, 并提供量身定制的搜索体验. There are chances that Google’s search algorithms and generative AI will focus more on voice interactions in 2024.

    以及正确分配AI的优先级, consider focusing on EI (Emotional Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) because understanding customer’s needs, building trust, 预计2024年将提供更多有教育意义的内容.

  • 注重可持续性的SEO策略

    可持续发展是今年关注的另一个重要问题. 随着快速变化的客户和搜索引擎的行为, it is crucial to include progressive values in organizational content strategies.


    Real stories from real customers can be another advantage in maintaining sustainability. User interaction in real-time and optimizing experiences as per received feedback and discussion improves SEO sustainability.

  • 符合ADA和WCAG无障碍标准

    搜索引擎没有正式声明ADA和WCAG 2.合规是一个直接的排名因素. However, since search engines prioritize user experience and accessibility indirectly contributes to a better user experience by ensuring that all images have alt text, 视频包括字幕或文字记录, 这个网站很容易浏览, 内容组织为屏幕阅读器用户适当的标题, color contrast ratios are sufficient for users with visual impairments, etc.

    Data indicates that around 26% of adults in the United States experience some form of disability. Businesses striving to optimize their online presence should not ignore this substantial segment of the population. Ensuring accessibility compliance not only expands their reach to a broader audience but also enhances the overall SEO performance of their websites. 一个可访问的网站可以带来更长的访问时间, 并有助于增加流量, lower bounce rates, and more engagement, 哪些会对未来的搜索排名产生更大的影响.



Hopefully, above mentioned points will help you to build befitting strategies for your website and achieve new numbers on the profit sheets.

搜索引擎优化趋势将让你在2024年和未来几年忙碌. It’s better to hire someone who can dedicatedly focus on these changing trends and updating digital content regularly.

As a professional SEO服务提供商公司 in the USA, Skynet Technologies offers tailor-made expert SEO services including keyword research, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, Local SEO, International SEO, Ecommerce SEO, Mobile App SEO, 技术SEO审计和解决方案, and custom analysis. 具有实用的方法和SEO批准的策略, 我们为贵公司提供更好的投资回报. 让我们提升您的数字化知名度,推动您取得持久的成功. Contact us at [email protected] 让我们知道你的要求.