
By: 天网科技美国有限责任公司
8 mins

每一项技术都渴望成为同类技术中的佼佼者. If different software versions don’t evolve with time and address the prevailing needs at that specific time, 那么它们就过时了.

Lately, on 6 September 2023, Pimcore released its new platform version 2023.这个版本正是为现代企业设计的. Likewise, 对于所有新版本, the latest Pimcore platform version is way better than its previous version 2023.1. Please note here that the platform version is only available to Pimcore’s Enterprise Edition customers.

很想知道这个版本? Read along.

Pimcore平台版本2023.2 -与之前版本(Pimcore 11)有何不同?

Pimcore 版本正在继承它的传统,提供一个健壮的, safe environment for managing data and perfectly coordinating between different modules. Pimcore平台版本2023.2 is thoroughly tested to provide top-notch software standards including compatibility and stability of all core framework components, 企业的首要要求是什么.

Moreover, the platform version ships along with handy release notes and proper documentation. Additionally, it provides long-term support and service-level agreements to help with security patches and legacy compatibility functionalities. 使用自动翻译, 扩展和连接器, data syndication, Adobe /微软集成, and marketplace connection are some other added advantages of using the Pimcore平台版本2023.2.


新功能使Pimcore平台版本2023.2 exceptional!

The new features that are incorporated into the latest platform version of Pimcore are all intended to reshape the platform to deliver future-proof solutions with faster value delivery, 满足企业需求的当务之急是什么. Pimcore平台2023版本最值得注意的功能.2 are:

Bookmark Lists

Likewise, bookmarks make our work resume from where we left off and save our time, Enterprises also need such tools to improve their work efficiency by reducing work redundancy and boosting speed in managing items. Pimcore thought of this problem and created this feature that lets you create a new bookmark which enables you to drag and drop or copy-paste required elements to wherever you want to.

这使得组织起来很容易, search, 并对数据对象等组件进行排序, digital assets, and documents. Besides, you can arrange folder structures and handle huge data exceptionally well. Bookmark List gives you a provision to use your own folder structure to organize items in it to get a bird's-eye view and spot the desired elements swiftly. Additionally, the Bookmark List can be utilized in separate use cases as well.

Multiple Bookmark Lists can be included and shared with other users for an exceptional rewarding working experience.

因此,Pimcore平台版本2023.2 helps you with this Bookmark List feature to make your enterprise synergistic wherein each team can work effectively to innovate. In a nutshell, this feature can speed up the workflow engine and reduce time to market, 哪些对企业有利.

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应用程序之间的交互, software, and external services is essential for enterprises to operate readily with negligible to zero communication gaps. Also, less friction in software functioning makes a secure, cohesive entity. Pimcore平台版本2023.2 has Webhooks to create such an impeccable system for enterprises.

企业人 are automated messages that work as a bridge between two applications. When a specific event happens in an application and the other application needs to know that information then Webhooks get activated to facilitate interaction between the two applications at the right time.

Webhooks help in:

有效载荷配置, which is the data or information required to be sent to users/subscribers wherein you can define the Webhooks in detail.

向已配置的用户/订阅者发送请求以获取新事件, for instance, updating, adding, 或者删除组件(例如:数据对象), assets, documents, etc.). webhook还可以帮助输入和完成工作流的事件.

Basically, Webhooks make a convenient system to run several processes. 他们通过集成应用程序来节省时间和精力, 自动启动操作, 简化工作流程. Moreover, 您可以集成外部系统,例如erp, CRMs, and workflow management to your Pimcore application by using Webhooks and extend your existing system’s functionalities with ease.


The new data quality management feature in Pimcore平台版本2023.2 is meant to actually provide precisely the right content at the required time and place. This feature is a tailor-made quality to diagnose data quality issues way before your customers interact with the data.

通过使用这个特性, you can enable the configuration of data quality checks via a user-friendly interface which makes data quality management smarter and future ready. Also, a variety of data objects can be examined through multiple checks to ensure their various aspects.

You will get complete information about your data quality and suggestions on how to improve it by using the data quality management feature.

Besides, the feature will provide you with a ‘data quality score’ in the grid view with the option to filter and export the included data objects. 这个分数也显示在树视图中.

Data quality management is something that is required by every enterprise to fix their data quality issues efficiently. Pimcore平台版本2023.2 has really taken a granular approach to data quality management by stressing data quality analysis and how to perceive it.

Wrapping up

Pimcore平台的发布对企业来说是一个福音. It can fulfil all modern business needs to grow exponentially for example, 为客户的购买旅程提供非常好的便利, 创建无摩擦的产品管理, help in innovations, 最重要的是获得竞争优势.

Not only this, the Pimcore platform assists enterprises in achieving their long-term objectives such as reputation building, 创造并培养忠诚的客户群, etc. 哪一点对企业的支撑至关重要.

最新的Pimcore平台2023.2版本拥有拥有弹性所需的一切, extensible, 以及高性能的企业环境.

As a recognized Pimcore Silver Partner, we offer a full range of Pimcore development services including PIM, DAM, CMS, design, 多渠道电子商务, integration, maintenance, 并支持满足客户需求. 我们服务的客户范围很广, including SMEs, large enterprises, 国际组织, 以及网络开发机构. Our certified Pimcore developer team enable personalized brand experiences, 实时客户参与, omnichannel启用, 和更多到您的Pimcore网站或应用程序. 通过填写表格或给我们发电子邮件pg电子官网 [email protected].