Accessible Web Design to Enhance Business Profitability & Success!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Accessible Web Design

简单和清晰是一个好的网页设计的两个关键元素. When it comes to Accessible Web Design, along with these two elements, WCAG标准也需要添加到设计过程中. 好的网页设计是一种直接与目标受众对话的语言,并向每个人解释其核心含义.

The key is - simple yet persuasive!

每个企业都有实现年复一年的指数级增长的愿景,不是吗? But if a business is struggling or not meeting its desired goals, 重点必须放在审查数字痛点并尽快加以补救上.

The concept is quite simple; build accessible digital solutions, engage more users, and enhance conversions and profitability. 更具包容性/可访问性的设计,会有更多的人使用它.

当企业开始坚持网页设计最佳实践(最终覆盖WCAG的要求), their user experience change, compliance requirements get fulfilled, and search engine rankings improve, and it all leads to better revenue and profits.

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Peculiarities of accessible web designs


assistive technologies for web design


  • 这些设计普遍适用于身体状况良好的个人, cognitive, and sensory impairments.
  • 辅助技术可以正确地理解和解释这些网站.
  • Such designs are logical, usable, ethical, and navigable for all ages, including kids and elderly people.
  • 无障碍网页设计适应各种语言,并专注于定制内容.
  • Compatible with all modern devices and browsers.

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如果网页设计师和开发人员在创建数字解决方案时牢记这些目标, the final outcome is always beneficial for businesses.

Accessibility implementation should not be an afterthought, 但从一开始,它就必须是每个网页设计过程中不可或缺的一部分.

Impacts of accessible web designs on business success!

In modern scenarios, where the entire world is interconnected via digital medium, 无障碍网页设计的重要性和影响不容忽视. We shall discuss its business benefits and other impacts.

accessibility in website design
  • 像谷歌这样的搜索引擎更倾向于无障碍的网页设计,因为它能提供更好的用户体验, which comes from amazing page loading speed, mobile friendliness, readability, Keyboard navigation, etc.
  • Improved user experience refers to lesser bounce rates. 一个无障碍的网站可以吸引更多的人,并让他们在更长的时间内参与进来.
  • User base expansion happens with an accessible web design. 每个企业都梦想着通过接触更多用户并将其转化为忠实客户来扩大市场份额.
  • 考虑残障用户并创建能够迎合每个人的设计,最终将从商业的社会和法律方面受益. 因为人们开始信任可访问的网站,而不是不可访问的设计. And it helps evade odds of litigation successfully. So, no lawsuits and more traffic for websites.

Improved brand image, visibility, and usability, 在数字方面,你还需要什么来实现你的业务目标?

Process to follow to include accessibility into web designs!

Implementing accessibility in a design from scratch is easier. 一个现代的设计需要与所有的利益相关者进行讨论,然后开始规划阶段,随后是实际的开发.

wcag compliant web design

However, remediating an existing website is a little complicated.

  • Perform automated and manual accessibility audits 彻底测试网站,找出所有需要改变或改进的地方.
  • 创建一个适当的计划来解决所有可访问性问题,以满足WCAG的要求.
  • Begin accessibility inclusion process, for instance, addressing keyboard accessibility, adding alt text for images, etc.
  • 工作分配和任务完成应该有一个时间表.
  • After completing the implementation work, 需要再次进行测试以确保网站的正常运行, 然后持续监控网站的性能,并在需要时不断更新.


Businesses that realize the need for accessibility, start observing a positive impact on traffic, conversions, and revenue.

  • We upgraded a government organization website based in Georgia to ensure it met WCAG 2.1 AA level compliance within approximately 12 to 14 weeks. 该组织希望使其WordPress网站完全ADA WCAG 2.1 AA level compliant, without using a Widget/ plugin.

    Now, with our design, custom development, and website accessibility services, their public healthcare service website is accessible to all.

  • A San Diego-based gourmet grocery store website needed WCAG 2.1 level AA incorporation and reached out to us for the same. 存在诸如PDF无法访问、页面结构、缺少所有文本等问题.

    我们的无障碍专家团队审核了网站并修复了问题. Now, 杂货店有一个可访问的网站,这有助于他们迅速发展业务.

Investing in web accessibility leads to incessant profits!

Amidst legal obligations and social responsibility, there is no harm in thinking of business profits as well.

Initially, 在接近可访问性专家和承担可访问性包含的成本方面,这似乎是昂贵的. 但是当你考虑更长的时间跨度时,成功的芬芳会让你大吃一惊.

Embrace inclusivity and accessibility in web design today. 为了帮助您开始修复可访问性问题并遵守ada兼容-有pg电子官网. We provide complete ADA compliant website design services , 无论您是否想要设计符合ADA的新网站或应用程序, redesign your existing website with ADA compliance, ecommerce store or an ADA compliant mobile app. We ensure your website, application, 或数字资产是可访问的,并使其符合美国残疾人法案(ADA), Section 508, and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Request a quote or contact us at [email protected] 使您的在线形象真正具有包容性,并接触到更广泛的受众.